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2024 | COHORT 5 - DURHAM COUNTY | NAH Junior Ambassador STEM and Media Engagement Training
Session 1: Inventory: You're On the Right Track
Pop Quiz!
Welcome to VSLS (5:06)
Let's Begin (1:02)
Who am I? (2:38)
Why are you here? (1:29)
What does inventory mean? (3:23)
Why underrepresented? (2:36)
Know Your Power! (1:58)
Superlatives Activity (2:03)
Superlatives-Activity Follow Up (1:05)
Use Your Voice (0:48)
Context Drives (1:31)
Who's the Expert-Part 1 (0:52)
Who's the Expert- Part 2 (1:21)
Create Opportunities (1:57)
Session 2: Public Health 101
Session 1 Recap (1:06)
Assignment: Who, what, when, where, why? (1:29)
Assignment: Keeping People Healthy
#THISispublichealth - 100 Years in the Making (10:19)
The Titanic | Cause and Effect (1:53)
So, Binoculars? (1:39)
Ball of Confusion, or #NAH? (6:10)
Facts are Facts?
Session 3: COVID 101
Let's Start with YOU! (3:00)
Your Body, The Machine. (1:29)
The IMMUNE System! What it do? :) (1:53)
Viruses NEED host (cells)! (2:19)
B cells and T cells! (5:02)
But What About Viruses? (1:37)
Symptoms - Part 1! (1:26)
Symptoms - Part 2! (1:42)
What ARE vaccines, exactly? (3:07)
The Vaccine Is...(answer is inside) (3:13)
Is the COVID-19 Vaccine New? (2:57)
Viruses M&M (but not the candy)! (1:23)
So Will The Vaccine Work with Those Pesky Variants? (6:32)
BONUS: Watch "Immunity. Are We There Yet?"!
BONUS: Afropunk Sound Therapy Sessions
Session 4: W.A.I.T., What?
Welcome Back! (2:05)
Let's Get Spunky (1:24)
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (2:00)
W.A.I.T - Making Informed Decisions (2:19)
Who AM I? (1:23)
Are They Credible? (3:46)
NEW or news? (8:47)
That "C" Word Again. Causation. (2:43)
Well, What ARE Vaccine Side Effects? (6:50)
Tuskegee Study (6:36)
Trust Yourself. (5:04)
BONUS: Where Can You Find Vaccine Side Effects?
Session 5: Full STE(A)M Ahead
STEM. What's Missing? (2:23)
Public Health Careers - Part 1 (4:21)
Public Health Careers - Part 2 (2:23)
#NAH. Back to the basics: RISK and DECISIONS. (2:33)
What We NOT Doing... (Part 1) (4:17)
What we ALSO are NOT doing... (Part 2) (4:21)
How do we "market" health to people?? (2:30)
Let Freedom Ring! (1:31)
#KeepItRight - What am I "selling"? (1:36)
What Do YOU Think?
Homework: Now It's Your Turn! (1:29)
Congratulations #NAH Ambassadors! What's Next?! (3:26)
But Before You Go!
Teach online with
BONUS: Watch "Immunity. Are We There Yet?"!
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